Huisartsenpraktijk RTN Oud

English version

De praktijk is een moderne huisartsenpraktijk in de Rivierenbuurt waarbij professionele, duurzame en persoonlijke huisartsenzorg voorop staat. In de praktijk is er aandacht en tijd voor de patiënt. Up-to-date huisartsenzorg in de praktijk is gewaarborgd. Klik hier voor het inschrijfformulier.

Huisarts RTN Oud is tevens opleider, verbonden aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. In de praktijk wordt elk jaar een arts in het laatste, derde jaar van zijn/haar huisartsspecialisatie opgeleid. De praktijk voldoet aan de strengste eisen van kwaliteit en zorg. Omdat er in feite twee artsen zorg dragen waar normaal gesproken één arts voor zorg draagt, is er in onze praktijk relatief veel tijd voor de patiënt.


General Practitioners Practice RTN Oud

Telephone number practice 020-6642197

After a thorough renovation of our monumental building we have set it up as a modern general practitioners practice. The practice is accredited by the Dutch College of General Practitioners, which means we comply with the strictest, modern quality requirements.

The practice is a modern general practitioners practice located in the Rivierenbuurt. Professional, sustainable and personal GP care is our priority. In our practice we have time and attention for our patients. Up to date GP care in the practice is ensured. Click here for the registration form.

General practitioner RTN Oud in the Rivierenbuurt in Amsterdam is a NPA certified general practitioner and a tutor attached to the University of Amsterdam. Every year we train a doctor in the last, third year of his/her general practitioners specialisation. The practice complies with the strictest quality and care requirements. In essence we have two doctors taking care of our patients – where there is normally one – which means there is relatively more time for the patient.

The practice is accredited by the Dutch College of General Practitioners and the NPA. This means the practice complies with strict quality requirements that are assessed annually.

Our team:

R.T.N. Oud, general practitioner ( Tuesday and Thursday) BIG nr: 59027095701

J. Schoemaker, general practitioner (Friday) BIG nr: 79044463501

G. Paes, general practitioner (Monday and Wednesday) BIG nr: 09919705701

J. Smit, general practitioner in training 

S. Teusink, doctor’s assistant

D. Braacx, doctor’s assistent

The doctor’s assistant arranges the appointments and repeat prescriptions. He also arranges his open assistant hour (24-hour blood pressure measurement, electrocardiogram, vaccinations and syringing ears).

A. Helmigh, nurse practitioner

The nurse practitioner has his/her open hour on Wednesday for the annual check up of patients with chronic diseases – like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart and vascular diseases – and for patients with asthma and COPD (emphysema) including lung function measurements.

Our goals

Personal attention, professionalism, patient friendliness and quality are the main pillars of the way we run our practice.


Psychological care
Family care
Elderly care
HIV care

Next to these specialisations we offer high-quality care in the general medical practice. The practice is also a training institute attached to the University of Amsterdam, which means we offer care according to the latest scientific findings. The practice is annually accredited according to the highest quality requirements possible.

Contact details

Merwedeplein 52
1078 NG Amsterdam
Telephone number practice 020-6642197

Opening hours

Monday to Friday:

8:00 – 17:00

Telephone consultation:

13:00 – 13:30


During business days between 08:00 – 17:00 and ONLY in case of emergency call:


At all other times – in the evening, during the night, in the weekend and during holidays – call 088-0030600 in case of emergency and you will be connected to the General Practice Center Amsterdam.

Click here for the website of the General Practice Center Amsterdam.


This service is exclusively meant for emergencies only!

Calling this number when there’s not an emergency will seriously affect the care of patients who are in real emergency situations.

If there’s not an emergency we urge you to call our practice during regular opening hours via 020-6642197.

Only call this number in case of an emergency

During business days from 08:00 to 17:00

020 672 04 12

Call this number at all other times – in the evening, during the night, in the weekends and during holidays

088 00 30 600


Psychological care
Family care
Elderly care
HIV care

Psychological care

A lot of our patients have indicated that they are very satisfied with our psychological care. Paired with our special interest in the field and extensive knowledge based on multiple courses and trainings we can say that we are confident in the psychological care that we offer to our patients.

Family care

The practice has a lot of family care experience, especially when it comes to families in the big city. Families in big cities experience more stress, there are more parenting problems, more divorces and a lot more single parent families – when compared to families living in the countryside. Throughout the years we have become experts for these specific challenges and problems.

Elderly care

Elderly care is often complicated in the big city. We have a lot of experience in elderly care (nursing home care, dementia care). To us the complexity of elderly care is a challenge. Prevention is better than cure, especially when it comes to caring for the elderly.


We have extensive experience when it comes to STIs and sexual complaints. General practitioner Oud has worked for many years at a STI polyclinic; he attends courses on the subject and tutors other doctors on STIs as well. Talking about sex isn’t a problem in our practice; to us it’s a normal thing! Prevention is better than cure!

HIV care

Our practice has a long tradition in caring for people with HIV. We have built a lot of knowledge in caring for people with HIV and we are extending that care at the moment. HIV care equals chronic care and the general practitioner is a specialist in this field. That is why we started a project to optimise HIV care in STI polyclinics and GP practices specialised in HIV care. We can do a lot of check ups in our practise, which means less hospital visits for people with a stabile chronic HIV infection. This takes away the stigma and increases the personal contact with your general practitioner.


There are a lot of students living in the neighbourhood with specific issues like study related stress, relationship problems and STIs. The general practitioners in the practice have a lot of experience with these problems.

Our general practitioners practice is open to new registrations

Please fill out the registration form if you would like to register with our practice. We will contact you as soon as possible for an intake and to complete the registration process.

You can also contact the practice directly by calling 020-6642197 with your registration request.

Please remember to request your medical details from your previous GP. As soon as we receive your registration request, we can schedule an intake and complete the registration.


Only with an appointment.

You can call the practice during opening hours via telephone number 020-6642197 to make an appointment. Our practice doesn’t work with walk-ins. By using appointments for the consultation hour we prevent long waiting times.

Please keep in mind that the assistant will ask you a few questions concerning your problem when making an appointment. This is necessary for the planning of our practice and it is important information for the GP as well.

Our assistants are able to determine the urgency of your request based on their expertise, education and instructions of the GP.

Opening hours practice

Monday to Friday from 08:00 – 17:00

Evening consultation hours Monday from 17:00 – 19:00


When requesting test results only call between 13:00 and 13:30 from Monday to Friday. In most cases the GP will directly answer your call.

Requesting a home visit

Home visits are only intended for seriously ill patients who are physically unable to attend the regular consultation hour.

You can only request a home visit between 08:30 and 12:00 (except in emergencies).


You can only request repeat prescriptions when the medication has been prescribed before by our practice and therefore is known to us.


When you log on to the patient portal (patiëntenportaal) you can request repeat prescriptions 24 hours a day by yourself.

Telephone request

You can also make a request 24 hours a day by calling 020-6642197 and leaving a voice message.

When you order before 12:00 in the afternoon your request will be mailed to the pharmacy the next business day. This means it could take up to 1 or 2 business days before your request can be processed, depending on the pharmacy.

Please be aware: for other or new medication (for example recently prescribed by the specialist) you will need to contact the practice directly.

Travel advise

General practitioner Oud is a LCR certified GP specialised in travel medicine. He can personally advise you in detail on required vaccinations, other necessities (for example malaria medication) and health risks that could occur while travelling.

If you are planning to travel it is wise – and sometimes required – to inform yourself and get the right vaccinations. We can help you with this in our practice, so you won’t need to make a visit to the GGD.

We administer all required vaccinations in our practice – we have most of these in stock. Please be aware that you sometimes need to pay for this in cash during your visit. Our pricing is competitive! Do not forget to bring your vaccination booklet. It is also possible to get one at the practice.

Please make an appointment with the assistant if you want travel advise from GP Oud. Please make sure to explicitly mention to the assistant that you would like travel advise from the doctor.

If you want to make sure to get a vaccination during the consult, you should fill in this form. We will contact you after receiving the form to schedule an appointment.

Nurse practitioner

The practice has a nurse practitioner that systematically checks diabetes and lung patients on Wednesdays.

Research shows that this greatly improves the quality of life of these patient groups.

You can make an appointment for your check ups with our assistant.

You can reach the nurse practitioner on Wednesdays between 13:00 and 13:30.

Site info

Privacy statement and terms of use

When using this website and our online services our terms of use apply. In our privacy statement you can read what we do to respect and protect your privacy.


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Business registration

You can find us in the registry of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel) under the following KvK number



You can find our healthcare professional(s) in the BIG-register under the following name and number

RTN Oud (BIG-nummer: 59027095701)